
Please find below some JLIT developed website examples  - all sites are database based and uses templates.

Copenhagen Capacity site is designed for worldwide internal use for cooperation between business partners worldwide. This site is not publicly accessible and requires login, but click the image below to see a page from the. This site uses a number of different templates. is designed as a B2B shop solution where each product has its own pdf with product info for great printouts. Product pictures are handled automatically - the files are uniquely named and only requires to be uploaded. is a site for an association with much info. 99% of the image handling is done via a template. The site handles member registration where each member updates their own information. The site is linked with Google (Analytics, Maps, Calendar and Search).
News publishing via RSS feeds

Partnering system benyttet ved en Hong Kong udstilling (samme har været benyttet i både Danmark og Sverige):Partnering system used for multiple conferences in the Netherlands:
Organizers homepage: is a site for a group of home owners. It features pictures from the area in a very easy way.